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Första pilotfält

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Negotiation for the "reconstruction of the playing surface in PowerGrass® and new panel fences for the modernization of the stadium Carlo Pedroli of Verbania".

Assigned work in contract:

  1. Removal of old fences and old turf.
  2. Leveling the ground surface in two gradients.
  3. Installation of a Drainage pipe system around the pitch and a diagonal one inside the pitch.
  4. Additional Slit drainage to improve water infiltration in the existing soil.
  5. Installation of an automatic irrigation system of 24 sprinklers.
  6. Assembling new panel Fences according to UNI 10121 specification
  7. Ball Stop Net System
  8. Preparation of sand based growth medium layer
  9. Transplant of PowerGrass sods
  10. Supply of Robot CutCat
  11. Specialized Maintenance for two years

"Testing" PowerGrass by leaving our children play barefoot on it'surface, is a proοf of the confidence we have to the system.

Players love to play on PowerGrass. The coach explains that the control of the ball is the most important aspect at a football game. If the player controls the ball on the first bounce he has achieved 50% of his task. In the artificial turf, the ball slips away, especially when it's wet it is more difficult to control.

Carlo Pedroli Stadium was previously in natural grass. In wet conditions, it became heavy and after just one training section it looked muggy. PowerGrass supports the weight of the player even on wet surface. The damages on turf are almost invisible after the game.

The property confirms that in a PowerGrass field we had no injuries and muscle problems related to the pitch conditions.

At the end of the season 2012/2013 an international tournament was organized offering entertainment and visibility to the citizens of Verbania.

Even the new panel fence, that was made in accordance with the UNI 10121 specifications, is an innovative project. The special locking clip of the panels to the pots, allows greater strength, durability and savings.

The upper panel is tilted to avoid climb-over and is required for professional stadiums in Italy therefore we wish the team to be promoted in the 3 third professional division.

Första pilotfält

Verbania October 7, 2012 - Opening of the first field in the world - part one

Första pilotfält

Verbania October 7, 2012 - Opening of the first field in the world - part two

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